This service is a negotation with the IRS to have you settle your tax debt for less than what you owe. It’s a highly probable option if you are absolutely strapped for cash and can’t pay off your full tax liability or doing so creates a financial hardship. Before entering into an offer in compromise, the IRS and 833IRShelp takes the following into consideration:
An Offer in compromise may be entered into with the IRS if the amount you can pay represents the the most that the IRS can expect within a reasonable time period.
Your ability to pay
Your Income
Your Expenses
Your Asset Equity
Planning & Strategy
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When we’re talking about Tax Resolution, a program you’ll hear a lot about is an Offer in Compromise. This is one of the IRS’s popular tax resolution programs and for a very good reason. Here’s all you need to know about how an offer-in-compromise works